Alien chest bursters, sperm-inspired desserts and explicit labor... oh my!
Check out these totally serious tips.
Because you need some laughter to get through this.
On the fence about having another kid? Here’s our can’t-fail guide.
#3 - You have a hard time disguising your resentment.
#10 - After dinner, you are forced to slip on your old maternity pants.
Oh, you know, just a little social-media-in-the-Ice-Age humor!
So what if the woman is doing all the work? There's no shame in making it all about YOU, fellas!
We wouldn't mind getting these in the mail.
Halloween is a delightful American holiday that gives pumpkins a reason to exist, young ladies carte blanche to dress like streetwalkers and children an excuse to...
Can’t figure out how to stop your post-pregnancy hair from shedding faster than a poodle with mange? If so, that’s probably because you’re trying to volumize...
Shock, denial, anger, bargaining, depression, testing, acceptance…then one day later, it starts to grow mold and you have to throw it out. Happy Halloween!