In perhaps his best unintentionally comedic performance yet, actor Jon Voight manages to keep a straight face while declaring that Trump is “the greatest president since...
Okay, this is getting out of hand...
Only we have an exclusive sneak peek!
With the right wardrobe, the Room Mom will stop asking you to decorate Ms. Perkins’ door for Teacher Appreciation Week and start marveling at how you’re...
"If any of them had lips, I'd tell them to kiss my ENTIRE ass!"
"Unlike all the Plan B I bought in November 2016, you smug chodes are past your expiration date."
Does this onesie make my butt look big? Why, yes, yes, it does. If you’re tired of standing for, well, anything, and/or desire that coveted “bubble...
Ugh, we hate it when we can't find our vintage forks.
We've tracked down the cutest and most flattering Women's History Month shirts, so people will notice your feminism--not your love handles!
Mace. A Taser. A sawed-off shotgun. Alurn.
When we ladies go to the salon for some much-needed pampering, these are the LAST things we need to hear coming out of our hairdresser’s mouth:
Symptoms include having to stop suddenly in the middle of the street to capture a picture of your feet.
Do you know how Mrs. Claus met Santa? Find out that, and more, in our Little-Known Facts About Mrs. Claus, courtesy of Twitter!
Congratulations are in order for 57-year-old Eddie Murphy, who has welcomed his TENTH child — his second with fiancee Paige Butcher, with whom he also shares...
You’re tired. Your boobs are leaking. Your vagina hurts. So why not contort yourself into a pretzel for his pleasure?!
Being a high-profile pet model for the crocheted goods business isn’t as glamorous as it seems.